In India Bishop Heber College, Trichy has a strong base for CE activities.
Two Christian Endeavour Hostels (For economically needy Christians only), one for men and one for women function in Bishop Heber Campus.Bishop Heber College, Trichy (CE Hostels)
Every Sunday (except 3rd Sunday) CE Society conducts "Heber Hive"(programme for Christian students) in Tabernacle of Testimony between 6pm and 7.30pm. "Fetters Free" and "Rejoice" are the two retreats conducted by the society. "Christmas Cheer" is another important function during Christmas season.
CE Society Staff Adviser for Bishop Heber College
Associate Professor Dr.Suresh Frederick (2004 - 2011).
Assistant Professor Vinoth Isaac Peter (2011- till date).
World’s Christian Endeavor Union, 3575 Valley Road, P.O.Box 326, Liberty Corner, N.J. 07938-0326, U.S.A